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Can Lasers Erase Acne Scars?

Modern medicine has found many uses for laser technologies. Lasers can be used for minimally invasive surgeries or to permanently remove unwanted body hair. In addition, did you know that lasers can effectively erase acne scars and other imperfections from the surface of your skin?

If you’re one of the many people who feel self-conscious about your appearance due to the leftover marks of old acne outbreaks, you should learn more about the potential of laser skin treatment to restore your facial surface.

At Lasercare Skin Clinic, our experienced care team, led by Bruce Sanderson, MD, provides cosmetic services at our Little Rock, Arkansas, office. We offer comprehensive, effective laser treatment for acne scarring. Here’s what our team wants you to know about the power of laser treatment to erase your acne scarring this winter.

Lingering scars and marks from acne?

Acne outbreaks don’t just create unsightly pimples. Large or infected pimples, especially if you pick at them, can leave scars and pockmarks on your face that linger for years.

You might outgrow your acne problems completely but still carry the marks of past breakouts. If you’re embarrassed about uneven facial skin or visible acne scarring, you don’t have to learn to live with it. 

You can repair your self-confidence this winter with laser resurfacing treatment for your skin. With laser stimulation, even deep pockmarks can fill back in, giving you a restored skin surface and a new glow.

Laser away your scars

Facial lasers can address both acne and acne-related scarring. At Lasercare Skin Clinic, our team uses a specialized laser tool to stimulate your skin. During treatment, we clear away the surface layers of damaged skin where harmful bacteria accumulate, leading to acne breakouts.

Following your treatment, you might see some redness, or feel tender in the treatment area. You won’t need significant downtime to recover, but you should be gentle on your skin for a few days after your appointment. This includes staying protected from the sun and watching out for exposure to harsh chemicals.

Look better and better over time

With laser skin treatments, you don’t just get the benefit of a clearer surface layer of skin after the deep cleaning process. Your results continue to improve in the days and weeks following your treatment session, as the stimulation of the treatment laser causes your skin to produce new stores of collagen.

This protein works to lift up the surface of your skin. Collagen gives your skin a youthful, rejuvenated appearance, looking fuller and smoother. Pockmarks and scars vanish as new collagen stores smooth your facial skin. To address deep acne scars or pockmarks, you may need multiple treatment sessions. 

To learn more about what laser treatment could do to erase your acne scarring this winter, get in touch with the cosmetic experts at Lasercare Skin Clinic today. You can book your appointment over the phone, or schedule with the online tool.

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