Microneedling Specialist

Lasercare Skin Clinic
Bruce Sanderson, MD
Laser & Medical Spa located in Little Rock, AR
Also known as collagen induction therapy (CIT), microneedling is a state of the art treatment that uses the SkinPen™ to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, reduce acne scars, reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation, and reduce stretch marks. It can also improve skin tone, reduce pore size, and more. The team at Lasercare Skin Clinic in Little Rock, Arkansas can help patients look their best with microneedling.
What is microneedling?
Microneedling is a skin treatment that uses the advanced technology called SkinPen to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pore size, reduce acne scars, reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation, and reduce stretch marks. This treatment can also dramatically improve skin texture. Microneedling works in 2 ways, first by breaking down damaged skin like scars, and next by stimulating the cells beneath the skin to create new collagen and elastin.
What is the microneedling treatment process?
Before treatment begins, the med spa specialist applies an anesthetic cream to the face. The SkinPen used for the treatment looks similar to a writing pen, but the bottom part of the pen has a circle of 12 superfine needles. The tiny needles penetrate the top layers of skin to create controlled wounds. These wounds cause the skin to start breaking the scar tissue or damaged skin apart. Additionally, the skin cells below are stimulated to begin collagen and elastin production. This new collagen and elastin will eventually help fill in the depressions caused by scars, stretch marks, or pits. After the treatment, a cream is applied to soothe the skin.
Who is a good candidate for microneedling?
People who are unhappy with the appearance of their skin due to a rough texture, wrinkles, pore size, scars, stretch marks, or pigmentation issues. Microneedling offers major improvement for most skin care issues.
How many microneedling treatments are needed?
It depends on the particular issue or issues being treated. People who have uneven skin tone and minor facial lines can often see results after a single treatment, while 2 or more sessions may be needed to treat deeper acne scars fully.
What type of recovery time is needed after microneedling?
One of the major benefits of this treatment is that it requires no downtime. The skin may appear like it has a mild sunburn for a day or two following microneedling treatment, but this resolves quickly. A small amount of swelling can also occur, but this abates soon as well. Patients need to avoid the sun and tanning beds immediately after microneedling, as the skin will be more sensitive for a couple of days following the treatment.