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Our Secret to Keeping Your Skin from Aging for as Long as Possible

Our Secret to Keeping Your Skin from Aging for as Long as Possible

Inside, you feel young and vital, full of energy and potential, but your skin may already be starting to show signs of aging. Fine lines and wrinkles, loss of skin tone, accumulated sun damage, and changes to the texture of your skin can all make you look older than your years and much older than you feel inside.

At Lasercare Skin Clinic, we offer non-invasive enhanced skin rejuvenation, our secret for keeping your skin as youthful-looking as possible as you age. Dr. Bruce Sanderson and our team provide anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate your skin from their laser and medical spa location in Little Rock, Arkansas.

How enhanced skin rejuvenation turns back time

Our secret isn’t cosmetic surgery, which often poses risks and requires recovery time. Dr. Sanderson relies on the power of laser energy to effectively turn back the clock on age-related skin changes. Here’s what you need to know about laser-enhanced skin rejuvenation treatment.

Enhanced skin rejuvenation treatment is specially designed to address signs of aging. This quick and easy outpatient procedure improves your skin’s appearance and vitality in several ways.

During treatment, Dr. Sanderson stimulates a treatment area such as your face, neck, chest, or hands with laser energy. Treatment only lasts about half an hour.

When the laser stimulates your skin, you may feel a snapping sensation, like being snapped with a rubber band or a sensation of heat. We use a topical anesthetic cream to ensure you remain comfortable during your laser skin treatment session.

The benefits of enhanced skin rejuvenation laser treatment

Your results after enhanced skin rejuvenation appear in the days and weeks after your treatment session. Laser stimulation reaches into the deeper layers of your skin, triggering your body to increase production of the protein collagen. Collagen creates a smooth layer under your outer skin and contributes to your skin’s tautness, elasticity, and fullness.

Young skin naturally possesses lots of collagen. As you age, your body produces less of this vital protein, leading to visible signs of aging appearing on the surface of your skin. As your collagen reserves increase, signs of aging start to disappear from your face. That includes fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, vascular lesions, and sagging and jowls.

With increased facial volume and smoothness, your post-treatment skin may never have looked better before in your life. Enjoy the upsides of youthful-looking skin without worrying about acne blemishes the way you may have during your teen years.

Often, patients need multiple Enhanced Skin Rejuvenation treatment sessions spaced to allow for full skin recovery to see the best possible results. You may need 3-8 treatment sessions before your outside appearance matches how you feel inside.

Could you be a good candidate for laser skin rejuvenation? Bring your anti-aging cosmetic questions to Dr. Sanderson at an initial consultation appointment. To book, call Lasercare Skin Clinic today or request an appointment online now.

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