Regain Body Confidence with SculpSure®

Are you unhappy with your body profile when you look in the mirror? Are belly bulges or love handles bugging you? This might be your situation if you’ve recently had a baby. After pregnancy, it can be difficult to shed the last of that baby weight.
Or perhaps you’re going through menopause. Before menopause, you may have had an hourglass figure. Now it might be trending to a muffin top. And aging, too, can cause changes in the shape of your body.
No matter your reason, if you’ve tried getting your old body back by eating less and exercising regularly, yet there are still areas of stubborn fat, there’s hope. The SculpSure body contouring system can reduce your belly bulges and other trouble spots. Bruce Sanderson, MD, of LaserCare Skin Clinic in Little Rock, Arkansas, can help you get back the body you once had. Read on to learn how SculpSure might be able to help you.
How does SculpSure work to remove body fat?
Patented laser technology is the secret behind the SculpSure system. Dr. Sanderson aims the SculpSure laser directly at the targeted area. The laser’s heat destroys the fat cells, and they disintegrate. Your body then naturally removes the fat cells over a period of weeks.
Do note that SculpSure is not a weight loss system. SculpSure is for men and women who have lost the majority of weight they want to lose but can’t get rid of areas of stubborn fat. If you need to lose a great deal of weight first, Dr. Sanderson can guide you on a weight loss program.
What are the benefits of a SculpSure treatment?
Today, thousands of adults are benefiting from laser technology to remove pockets of fat in their trouble spots. Some of the benefits include:
SculpSure is noninvasive
SculpSure is completely noninvasive and safe. There is no cutting, and therefore, no stitches.
In the past, removing fat usually required surgical procedures, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. Now you can get rid of your pockets of fat without blades.
SculpSure doesn’t require recovery time
Unlike surgical procedures to remove body fat, SculpSure doesn’t require a recovery period. You may feel a bit of tenderness and experience some swelling for a couple of days after your treatment, but unlike having invasive surgery, you won’t have to take days or weeks off of work or miss out on planned activities.
SculpSure treatment is fast
You can have a SculpSure treatment on your lunch hour. The procedure only takes 25 minutes. Other body contouring treatments usually can’t be performed in such a short time.
What areas of the body does SculpSure treat?
SculpSure can reduce fat in the following areas:
- Abdomen
- Flanks
- Back
- Thighs
- Chin
Is SculpSure recognized by the FDA?
Yes. SculpSure has received FDA clearance to reduce fat in targeted areas of the body. Having the FDA’s seal of approval means that the technology has undergone rigorous testing and has shown proven results.
SculpSure can reduce fat in your trouble spots by up to 24 percent. It sounds almost too good to be true, but this system is patented, and it achieves amazing results. Furthermore, more than 90% of adults who receive SculpSure treatments say they are satisfied with the results.
Call or book an appointment online with LaserCare Skin Clinic to see how a SculpSure treatment can give you a slimmer profile.
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