Resolve to Banish Those Last Few Pounds: SculpSure Helps You Do It

Your body is already beautiful, but as with most things in life, you think it could use just a touch of improvement. Specifically, you’d like to get rid of those annoying pouches of fat that don’t respond to diet, exercise, or New Year’s resolutions.
At Lasercare Skin Clinic in Little Rock, Arkansas, we offer state-of-the-art WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure®, a noninvasive, FDA-cleared, body-contouring technique that melts away exercise-resistant fat. While you relax and catch up with your emails, reading, or tunes, SculpSure’s laser energy targets the excess fat cells of your:
- Double chin
- Love handles
- Muffin top
- Beer belly
- Saddle bags
- Thunder thighs
- Back and bra fat
- Upper arm fat
Dr. Bruce Sanderson and his daughter, medical aesthetician Natalie Sanderson, can place up to four applicators in just one SculpSure session, so you can treat multiple areas at the same time.
Laser energy zaps the inches
WarmSculpting with SculpSure raises the temperature of targeted fat cells so that they can’t function anymore and begin to break down. The treatment applicator delivers the laser energy directly to the fat cells, bypassing your skin. You won’t notice any effects on your skin other than some warmth and tingling during your treatment when the laser cycles on, and some slight pinkness afterward.
After SculpSure’s energy destroys the fat cells, your own body does the rest of the work. It processes the fat cells through your lymphatic system over the next few months, gradually eliminating them through excretion.
While your friends are still struggling with or abandoning their New Year’s resolutions, you’re already on the way to achieving yours. Best of all, there’s no downtime with SculpSure. Right after your treatment, you can go back to work, head to the gym, or just get on with your day.
Your new proportions are permanent
After your body has reduced and processed the fat cells, you’ll never see or feel them again. The destroyed fat cells don’t grow back.
Each 25-minute WarmSculpting session damages up to 24% of the treated fat cells. You may need a series of up to three treatments to get the results you’ve resolved to achieve. But as long you keep your weight stable, your new proportions are yours for life.
Get creative
Now that you know that those stubborn fat pockets don’t have to travel with you into the new year, feel free to dream up your ideal figure. While you may have been focused on your tummy as the place to lose inches, you don’t have to stop there.
During your consultation at Lasercare Skin Clinic, let us know all of your trouble spots. We can arrange an ideal, custom-designed treatment schedule for you.
Step proudly into spring
You start to see your beautiful new figure about six weeks after your first treatment. Within 12 weeks after your last WarmSculpting with SculpSure session, you’ve done it: lost the inches, the few extra pounds, and sculpted the figure you’ve wanted all along.
Starting your SculpSure sessions as the new year rings in gives you plenty of time to have a beach-ready body by the warmer months. Once you see your results, you might need to make a mid-year resolution to buy a wardrobe worthy of your new, sleeker shape.
To join the more than 90% of patients who are satisfied with their WarmSculpting by SculpSure results, contact our office today by phone or online form.
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