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The Most Effective Ways to Tone Up Your Body

If we’re being honest with ourselves, there are few people who wouldn’t love a more toned looking body. Whether it’s because of the fitness models we follow on Instagram or just a personal goal we’d like to attain in order to boost our self-esteem, more and more people are focusing on getting into shape. This is an excellent trend, but if you’ve ever tried getting into serious shape before, you know how difficult it can be.

To be sure, diet and exercise are the most important parts of shedding fat and getting into shape. But, sometimes stubborn fat doesn’t seem to respond to even the best efforts. If you’re struggling with that last bit of excess fat in the abdomen or thighs, SculpSure might be a great solution for you. SculpSure is a great way to cross the finish line, but you need to do most of the work to get there. Here are some great ways to tone up your body.

Cardiovascular exercise

Establishing a cardiovascular exercise routine will be critical to toning your body. While weights and strength training are certainly important for building muscle, and we’ll get to them, cardio is how you’re going to be burning most of your calories. Before you worry about toning up, you need to shed any excess fat. Running, biking, and swimming are the most efficient ways to accomplish this. While exercising for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week is the minimum amount recommended, you’re probably going to want to do more to reach your goals.

Body weight resistance

Weights are great for building muscle, but not everyone has access to them. Gym memberships can be expensive. Some people also don’t like using weights. That’s fine, as using your own body weight for resistance can strengthen you up quickly. Push-ups, dips using a chair, burpees, sit-ups, and other exercises that don’t require expensive equipment can work well for you if you rotate the body parts you work out most days of the week.

Stomach exercises

It’s no secret that it can be especially difficult to tighten up the midsection, as that is where most people find that their excess weight settles. You’ll have to give extra attention to working out your stomach in order to get that flat appearance that you’re after. Crunches and sit-ups are certainly effective. It’s also recommended to try the plank position, as it’s a great way to work all of your core muscles without having to perform any movements.

Proper hydration and diet

While not a magic bullet on its own, drinking enough water is critical to losing weight. Used in conjunction with a healthy diet, your body will become more efficient at eliminating waste. Getting the proper nutrition and having generous servings of fiber are all important when it comes to shedding those excess pounds.

And when you do all the right things, but still have a little extra weight hanging around? SculpSure can pick up the slack.


Forget about traditional liposuction. The invasive procedure brings soreness and a significant period of recovery time. SculpSure allows you to get rid of excess fat in your problem areas without having to go under anesthesia or deal with incisions. SculpSure uses laser energy to get rid of the fat cells in the targeted area for good. SculpSure treatment applicators are applied to the skin to deliver the heat energy deep into the tissue. The applicator also cools the skin in order to prevent discomfort. The treatment only lasts twenty-five minutes. The heat energy damages the fat cells which are eliminated in the weeks following treatment. Most patients see the best results about six to twelve weeks following their treatment. It’s that simple. You can go right back to work following your treatment and there is no recovery time to worry about. Some patients choose to undergo additional SculpSure treatments in order to maximize their results or treat additional areas.


Anyone who says getting a fit, toned body is easy is, unfortunately, either genetically blessed or not being forthcoming. For the vast majority of people, it takes serious work to get the body that they want.  With the right diet plan and exercise regimen, you can eventually get the thin and toned body you’re after. However, if you need a little extra help getting across the finish line, you should speak with a doctor that specializes in cosmetic treatments like SculpSure which can help you get rid of that last bit of excess fat. If you’d like to know more about SculpSure or if you would be a good candidate for it, book an appointment with us today. Dr. Sanderson and the team at Lasercare Skin Clinic are dedicated to providing you with the cutting-edge treatments you need so you can look your best.

Dr. Sanderson

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