Tighten Sagging Facial Skin with Nonsurgical Ultherapy

Here we are at the beginning of 2025, with another year gone by — which means you’ve added another year to your calendar age. As the 2025 New Year begins, it's time to take stock of your anti-aging care. Remaining conscious of aging puts you in charge of how old you look and feel, no matter your actual calendar age. That can stay as secret as you choose!
For many, skin care forms a cornerstone of anti-aging concerns. Your skin is one of the first places where signs of premature aging become visible. If your facial skin starts to sag, wrinkle, or lose volume, you may appear older than your actual age. That's not something you want to happen to you.
The right skin care, especially for your face, makes all the difference in how young you look. At Lasercare Skin Clinic of Little Rock, Arkansas, Dr. Bruce Sanderson and our team offer state-of-the-art anti-aging and skin care treatment options.
If you're not ready for surgery to address jowls or sagging facial skin, ultherapy may be right for you. How does ultherapy improve your skin and appearance? Let's take a closer look at this nonsurgical option for facelift-style results.
How ultherapy works to improve your skin
As you age, your body stops producing as much collagen, creating visible signs of aging in your skin. Collagen gives your skin its smoothness, fullness, and volume. With lower collagen levels, aging skin falls into sags and bags. Loss of collagen also contributes to the formation of facial lines and wrinkles.
Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to stimulate the deep layers of your skin while not impacting your skin’s surface. The treatment triggers the natural processes of repair and regeneration to begin.
After just a single targeted ultrasound energy treatment session, your collagen production kicks into high gear. In the weeks following your treatment, you notice effective anti-aging results as your subdermal collagen layer thickens, non-surgically lifting the skin in areas like your brow, chin, neck, or decolletage.
What to expect from nonsurgical ultherapy
Your treatment is quick, non-invasive, and requires no post-appointment downtime. Simply come for your ultherapy appointment at Lasercare Skin Clinic and rest comfortably while Dr. Sanderson micro-targets your desired treatment area with ultrasound energy.
Different treatment areas require varying amounts of time for treatment. Facial ultherapy takes 60 minutes, while a full face and neck treatment needs an hour and a half to complete. Facial treatment is most common, but you can even use this treatment for customized treatment of other problem areas, such as a “bra bulge” or your abdomen.
Ultherapy works on all skin colors and skin types. To learn more about how ultherapy could give you the anti-aging benefits of a facelift while allowing you to skip out on surgery and long recovery times, contact Dr. Sanderson at Lasercare Skin Clinic today. Schedule your free and confidential initial consultation appointment online or over the phone today.
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