Turn Back the Clock on Wrinkles With Skin Tightening

As you age, it’s natural for your skin to begin to lose some of its elasticity. Production of collagen and elastin — proteins that help your skin retain volume and build new tissue — slows down, resulting in lax or sagging skin.
Non-invasive treatments can temporarily restore your skin, giving it a firmer, more youthful appearance in no time. Skin tightening procedures can include treatments with light, radiofrequency, and ultrasonic energy.
Non-surgical skin tightening treatments target the deeper layers of your skin using heat as targeted energy that helps improve skin tone and texture. At Lasercare Skin Clinic, our team, led by Dr. Bruce Sanderson, offers effective options for addressing your concerns and revealing a healthier, more rejuvenated look.
What to expect from laser skin tightening
Before treatment begins, we meet with you to determine If you're a good candidate for the procedure. Non-surgical skin tightening can help you achieve a wide variety of skin care goals. Patients in their late 20s, for instance, might use laser treatments as a preventive measure. If you're interested in addressing mild to moderate skin sagging without resorting to surgical lifting or skin removal, skin tightening treatments can produce dramatic results.
Laser skin tightening may not be appropriate if you're suffering from a particular medical condition, are taking certain medications, or if you're pregnant. If you have extreme skin laxity, you may benefit from a combination of skin tightening and other cosmetic surgery such as a face-lift.
If you're prone to herpes breakouts, scar easily, or have skin cancer, you should discuss the chance of adverse reactions to the procedure.
Infrared light targets the dermis laser using heat waves. The collagen under the skin's surface is brought to about 5-10 degrees above normal through controlled heating of your tissue. The old layer breaks down, and new collagen is created to replace it. Fine lines and wrinkles soften as elastin and hyaluronic stores become replenished.
Skin tightening options
There are several treatment options to consider when electing to undergo a skin tightening procedure. Discover which one is right for your case.
Ultrasound skin tightening
This skin tightening treatment delivers ultrasound energy to your skin through a handheld device. This device produces ultrasound waves that penetrate the skin's surface, inducing collagen production. Ultrasound technology heats the skin at a deeper level, ensuring that you get the lift that you want.
You should see the best results after three months, and we may recommend follow-up treatments. Multiple treatments are often crucial to maintaining the effects of the procedure.
Radiofrequency treatments (RF)
Radiofrequency energy focuses on the epidermal layers of the skin and achieves a tightening effect with the use of a handheld device that heats the skin. You'll see firmer, smoother, and more youthful skin as the treatment works to trigger the rapid production of collagen.
There’s no downtime, and we complete the process in under an hour. More than one treatment may be necessary to achieve your desired results using the radiofrequency method.
IPL/RF combination treatments
Combining intense pulsed light (IPL) with radiofrequency (RF) triggers collagen production at multiple levels of your skin. Using pulsed light is known to help concentrate radiofrequency energy to treat problem areas more effectively.
The treatment triggers your body’s natural healing response, with results becoming most visible after three months. Follow-up procedures may be needed to achieve and maintain your results.
If you're considering laser skin tightening systems as an option, call our office today to schedule a consultation.
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