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Want to Get Rid of Fat Without Surgery? Here's How

Want to Get Rid of Fat Without Surgery? Here's How

Do you have areas of unwanted body fat that you can’t seem to shed? The flanks and abdomen are common areas where stubborn pockets of unwanted body fat cling, no matter how hard you work out or how much you adjust your diet. The good news is that you can still take control of your shape with cosmetic body contouring procedures.

When conservative weight-loss and body-shaping approaches like diet and exercise don’t do enough to give you the silhouette you’re looking for, it’s time to look at your other options. Weight loss and body-contouring surgeries can yield great results but involve risks and long recovery times. That might not be the right direction for you.

What if you want the benefits of improved body contouring without the stress around surgery?   We have the solution at Lasercare Skin Clinic in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Bruce Sanderson offers SculpSure, an innovative, effective, nonsurgical fat removal treatment. 

Could you benefit from SculpSure? Here’s what you need to know about this body-contouring procedure.

How SculpSure slims your shape

SculpSure relies on the power of laser energy to target, liquefy, and destroy fat cells in a specific treatment area. It’s very different from liposuction and other surgical fat removal procedures. SculpSure doesn’t involve cutting or breaking your skin, reducing your risk of infection and other post-surgical complications.

With SculpSure, your results appear over time. Liquefied and destroyed fat cells naturally flush out of your body following each treatment session. Individual results vary. Most patients see definite improvements in treatment areas within six weeks, and full results typically appear 12 weeks after treatment.

SculpSure isn’t a weight loss treatment. Before you undergo treatment, use diet and exercise modifications to reach a healthy body weight. But, if you still notice soft or flabby areas around your stomach, sides, or other areas of your body, SculpSure may be an effective way to smooth and slim your figure.

Benefits of SculpSure: speed, convenience, and more

Noninvasive SculpSure treatment takes under half an hour to complete, and you can leave as soon as you’re done with this outpatient procedure. You could even receive SculpSure treatment during your lunch break. You won’t need to plan on recovery time after your appointment.

Lasercare Skin Clinic aesthetician Natalie Sanderson starts your SculpSure treatment by placing the four applicators that deliver your laser treatment. You recline in comfort while the applicators send laser energy through the surface layers of your skin to the layer containing your fat cells.

You don’t feel pain during treatment but may notice a sensation of deep warmth. We fan you with cooled air during your session to maintain your comfort. SculpCure treatment takes much less time and patience than surgical fat removal.

To learn more about SculpSure and determine if you’re a good candidate for this non-surgical fat removal procedure, contact Dr. Sanderson and the Lasercare Skin Clinic today. Call now to schedule your consultation, or book online with our scheduling tool.

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